Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Go Green = White Solution

The Public Works Research Institute in Japan has experimented with paints with such pigments applied to conventional asphalt surfaces. They made a road that reflects 86% of infrared light, which helps keep the surface cool, yet reflects just 23% of visible light, to keep down glare.

There are other benefifs too. Computer simulations of Los Angeles show that resurfacing about two-thirds ofroads and rooftop with reflective surfaces, as well as planting more trees, could cool the city by 2-3 degree C.That will reduce LA smog as much as total ban on cars and lorries, and cooler roofs could also save a fortune in electricity bills.

Go On, Paint Your Town White.


天上人间 said...

Show more nice snaps.I found that u got good angle while taking pic.

天上人间 said...

wao,our MALAYSIAN JKR never know this therefore we suffer the heat reflected by the road which is forever exposed to the warm sun.When will ouer country be environmental friendly?